Power Web5 ai Platform
Co-create the future in real-time. Web5 & xP&A+. Powering the new internet.
The only Web5 no/low-code apps platform & database
AI powered universal Web5 no-code app/database builder, decentralized data warehouses, hyper automation bots and smart spreadsheets for xP&A+ and beyond.
Free for unlimited users
Decentralized. Embeddable. Integrated everywhere. P2P synced. Offline-capable. Own your data.

The only no/low-code platform for future — of apps • data • computing • internet — and high-end niches (like xP&A+, Data Science, Investment AI, Hyper Automation AI)
The only platform for creating Web5 apps • Web5+ databases • no/low-code apps for xP&A+ • apps AI generated from/in spreadsheets
xP&A+ = Extended Planning & Analysis (xP&A) + ...
+ Data Science • Investment AI • Hyper Automation AI
+ Decentralized Data Warehouses
fast • secure • embeddable • offline-capable • graph data • JSON • TBs (vs 1MB/2K rows in other no/low-code platforms)

+ AI guided • no/low-code apps • collaborative • connected • embeddable
+ Co-create • embed • sync in existing docs • apps (+ from existing formulas)
Excel • Google Sheets • MS Teams • Power BI • Salesforce • Quickbooks
+ Marketplace for Smart Templates & No/Low-Code App Building Blocks

Power Sheet ai
The free no-code app builder for smart spreadsheets, bots, DBs, universal connectors
Standalone — AI generated from existing spreadsheets & formulas or any data sources, auto merged & synced via AI
Via embed & sync — into existing spreadsheets (Excel & Google Sheets), docs, apps, sites & tools (like Microsoft Teams, Slack, QuickBooks & Salesforce)
With automatic dashboards, forms, power tables, dynamic views & databases — embedded into your apps & smart spreadsheets
Plus plain English formulas, Power Formulas & low-code Python/JS/SQL
Template anything — apps, rows, objects, columns, dashboards, visuals, views & more
Power GPT ai
GPT-4 and ChatGPT for your data. Q&A, auto-generate apps, formulas, DBs & more
. Auto merge & transform spreadsheets into apps & DBs.
GPT-4 and ChatGPT for your data. Q&A, auto-generate apps, formulas, DBs & more. Auto merge & transform spreadsheets into apps & DBs.
Power GPT ai is a virtual agent built on ChatGPT and GPT-4 which tailors it to your own data (instead of limited to the state of the internet in 2021). Able to make recommendations and take actions, including AI generating apps, dashboards, bots, connectors, formulas, queries and more
AI for mass conversion and merging of hundreds of spreadsheets, CSV files, web APIs and other DBs, data files and data sources intelligently despite different formats and uses into universal apps, dashboards, and combined multi-dimensional versioned Web 5 graph + time series databases., from financial modeling and reporting to CRMs for automated marketing to ERP
Inside Power Sheet, Excel, web browser, Google Sheets, Microsoft Teams, OneDrive, SharePoint and as desktop, web and mobile apps
Power Plan ai
Extended Planning & Analysis (xP&A) for finance, data science, work management, ERP, HR, BI, analytics & more
Collaborative, connected & AI assisted flagship smart template & app for Power Sheet
xP&A (Extended Planning & Analysis) applies the principles of Finance & FP&A to other disciplines across the company
Modeling & simulation, real-time continuous planning & forecasting, analytics dashboards, data warehouses and more
xP&A is the next-gen alternative to Integrated Business Planning (IBP) and Enterprise Performance Management (EPM)
Power Invest ai
Automated stock & crypto investment
Showcasing power & scalability of Web5DB & our no/low-code apps platform
The free AI powered auto investment in stocks, crypto, bonds & ETFs
Based on hundreds of indicators, data sources, social sentiment & fundamentals in real-time
Showcases what is easy to build & only possible with Power Web5 and Web5DB
Power Bot Marketing ai
The only end-to-end AI automated no-code marketing, CRM, LinkedIn, recruiting & social sales platform
Auto merge & transform spreadsheets into apps & DBs.
The fully AI automated no-code intelligent marketing, LinkedIn, sales, recruiting, investor/VC/angel seeking, LinkedIn, social media bots & automation platform with built-in Power CRM.
AI prioritization & lead assignment. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp & beyond. 1st Web5 marketing bot.
Built with Power Sheet for embedded no-code/low-code/AI automation tools and on Power Web5 Platform.
Power CRM ai
The intelligent no-code flexible CRM in Power Sheet smart spreadsheets
Use with Power Bot Marketing ai for fully AI automated marketing, sales, recruiting.
Auto find, prioritize, contact, sync, assign, track sales leads, recruits, investors, donations or anything.
Transform your entire workforce into automated sales reps for 30,000+ leads each.
Powered by Web5DB as a universal offline-capable app & database with intelligent sync.
The only Web5 (decentralized offline-capable embeddable web) database, data warehouse & PWA DB
615x faster & more scalable vs. top NoSQL cloud DBs & blockchains
615x faster than MongoDB NoSQL database on fastest cloud hosts
Real-time P2P synced web embeddable offline-capable NoSQL graph + time series+ versioned PWA database scalable to TBs of data, with Python, SQL, JavaScript, Power Formulas, Excel Formulas, NoSQL graph queries, and AI generated (from plain text) formulas and queries
48,000x faster vs Ethereum for high-performance DBs (7000x faster vs IPFS DBs)
Able to edit, sync, merge & query any kind of data (GBs of graph, JSON, time series) instantly, even offline, and always conflict-free
$0 decentralized storage vs $10M/GB on Ethereum.
927x scalability, speed and lower cost vs IPFS / Filecoin
50 million times scalability & lower cost vs cloud (Amazon, Azure or Google Cloud) for high-performance database storage, bandwidth and compute costs – even with dedicated server or cloud backup/fallback option
Option for purely decentralized, distributed across only your own company or personal devices, or with dedicated node or Cloud fallback and backup (E2EE for privacy & security) to ensure always fast, available and scalable.
Web5 Universal Smart Content Marketplace
Template everything
Find & build from, share & sell universal smart templates, app building blocks & connectors
For smart templates and building blocks for no/low-code apps & dashboards
Universal connectors & extensions — embed in any app, doc, or spreadsheet — no add-in install required
Smart templates for formulas & function libraries, custom views & field types, bots & workflow automations, data sets, visuals & dashboards, sheets & power tables, more
Template anything — apps, rows, objects, columns, dashboards, visuals, views & more
Always up-to-date smart template instances & overrides, auto merging edits, always conflict-free
Co-create, share & sell instantly everywhere
With the 1st embeddable decentralized smart content marketplace
Excel • Google Sheets • PowerPoint • SharePoint • Office 365
Microsoft Teams • Slack • Zoom • Salesforce • QuickBooks • Power Platform
Standalone — web • mobile • offline • decentralized • auto-published (to app/extension stores)
On-the-fly AI generated — apps • forms • tables • dashboards — from any source/API • even Excel formulas (vs just data) • Python / SQL / formulas (auto-converted to JavaScript/PWAs)
Embed in your existing spreadsheets, docs & tools in 1-click.
No add-ins, setup or user licenses required. Just 100KB of smart content.
Auto-publish to app stores, marketplaces. Share your app, connector, blocks, templates as install-free embedded content and universal add-ins.