Power Access Platform for Microsoft Access
Install-free Framework
for Microsoft Access
800+ new VBA and .NET functions for Queries, Macros, SQL, VBA in Access and .NET (C#, VB.NET, Visual Studio). New Events for VBA & Macro Designer like OnAppExit, OnStartup, OnConfigure, OnRefreshDB.
All install-free without COM reg via relative referenced auto-relink shared framework database or code embed
Low Code with
VBA Code Generation
Simplified, Automated Versioning and Auto Merge for Collaborative Editing of VBA, Form, Report, Query, Table & Data Macros with PowerGit Add-in for Access, Excel & Office
| Auto Run, Calculate, Cache, Sync, Import (PDF, Excel, CSV) | Export
Dozens of powerful new tools like Global Find & Replace, SQL Editor, Code Generation, Table / Macro / Data Macro Auto Gen, Template injection,and more.
All-in-One Toolset
for MS Access
Dozens of powerful new tools like Global Find & Replace, SQL Editor, Code Generation, Table / Macro / Data Macro Auto Gen, Template injection, PowerGit (simplified, integrated Git versioning & collaborative editing / auto edit merging for VBA, Macros, SQL Queries & design) and more.
Power SQL Editor
for Access
New modern SQL Editor Add-in integrated into Microsoft Access with Code completion, Syntax Highlighting & Find & Replace across all Queries
Excel Formulas for Access
Out-of-box Common Database Features (Users, Permissions, Outlook Automation, Edit Tracking, Undo+)
Power Templates (Flexible, Modular, Injectable Database Parts)
Excel Formulas for Access
XPrevRow()-based Excel Formulas for Access Queries with powerful, intuitive, fast Previous Row-based Excel Formulas and Functions support (like XNPV). Also enables fast recursive iterative calculation in Access for finance, projections, forecasting & more.
PowerSQL Functions
500+ New Functions for Power Query like Powerful, Simplified, Concise Query Design, SQL and VBA Automation: Dynamic Lookups, Aggregate, DSum/DLookup alternatives, XPrevRow(), XQTD(), XNPV(), XSumtoDate(), QIsBetween, Criteria with design-time validation. No more string/date quote or null checks.
Calculated Tables
Auto Query Caching, Recursive Queries, intuitive Excel-like XPrevRow()-based Iterative Calculation, Forecasting, enabling of VBA & JavaScript function using Queries from Excel, Power BI & more.
PowerAccess Toolset for Microsoft Access
PowerAccess includes Tools Add-in, Templates and VBA Framework (with full VBA source code available). PowerAccess Tools Add-in does not have to be installed for end-users to use and PowerAccess empowered Microsoft Access databases.
PowerAccess Tools Add-in
Power Access Tools for Excel-easy Database Building
New Tools like Global Find & Replace, Smart Rename, Smart Delete
VBA and JavaScript Macro (PowerAccess.js) Code Generation (CodeGen)
Table/Query/SQL/Data Macro Auto Generation
Empower your database with PowerAccess Runtime Features via CodeGen
PowerAccess Database Templates
Templates to accelerate and simplify development and modernize your database
Integrates PowerAccess features out-of-box
Access Database Templates to help jump-start development and save time & money, including:
Invoicing, Quotes, Estimate Building, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), Sales Analytics, Finance, Accounting, Forecasting, PowerEstimates™, Payment Tracking, Construction & Renovation, and more Microsoft Access Databases Templates for Access 2016 / 2019 / 365
Use PowerAccess Settings and Tables to Control App Behavior without VBA coding
Use new scriptable events like OnAppExit, OnStartup, OnConfigure
Power Access Platform
Modernize Microsoft Access by extending it with support for
JavaScript, C#-like TypeScript, Python and modern tools and web APIs for VBA, Power Functions to modernize Microsoft Access
Seamlessly blend VBA with JavaScript and other languages, with the ability to call functions, handle events, and use Access APIs across languages
Use for including for macros, forms, automation, queries, and user-defined functions in MS Access
Modern development tools like Visual Studio Code, Git version control
Embedded Power Sheet code editor
Enhanced SQL editor
Cross-platform rich HTML-based Forms
Web APIs and over 1 million auto-updated NPM libraries
Power Access includes:
- JavaScript-based Framework
Web APIs and over 1 million auto-updated NPM libraries
Power Access Tools Add-in
Power Access Tools for Excel-easy Database Building
Power Access VBA Framework
Modernize Access Databases with new runtime features, macros, new functions for VBA, SQL, Query Designer, Macro Designer
Power Access Database Templates for Microsoft Access
CRM, Estimates, Invoicing & more database templates for Access 2019, Microsoft Access 2016, Microsoft Access 2013, Microsoft Access 2010, MS Access 365 & Microsoft Office 365
Power SQL Functions
Hundreds of new functions you can use in Query Designer, SQL, VBA and Macro Designer for powerful, Power Query like queries, KPIs, Finance, Lookups and more
Related Upcoming Products
C# / VB .NET Automation & Add-in Development API (VSTO for Access)
Power Git Add-in
Automated Git Versioning & Collaborative Editing for MS Access, Excel & VBA
Excel to Access to SQL Server/Azure
Automated, Accelerated Conversion Tools & Services

PowerSQL Functions
for Microsoft Access Queries & Excel Formulas
Example of Intuitive, Concise, Excel Row Formula-like Queries
Editable in Query Designer, made possible with PowerAccess & PowerSQL